Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

“Latino voters, who have helped to propel California’s leftward political swing over recent years, remain reluctant to embrace Republican candidates as the November general election nears, a new Los Angeles Times/USC poll shows,” according to the L.A. Times.

Registered voters who identified themselves as Latino backed Democrat Jerry Brown by a 19-point margin over RepublicanMeg Whitman in the race for governor, despite Whitman’s multiple appeals to Latino voters during the general election campaign. Registered voters who identified themselves as white gave Brown a slim 2-point margin.

In the race for U.S. Senate, incumbent Democrat Barbara Boxer held a 38-point lead over Republican Carly Fiorinaamong registered Latino voters, five times the lead she held among white voters.

What does this mean for Republican Congressional candidate Van Tran, who is running against Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez in the 47th Congressional District?

For one thing, I think it means that many Latinos will NOT vote for Tran, but they may not vote for Sanchez either.  I think independent candidate Cecilia Iglesias could end up with a lot of those votes.

Some political experts agree with that notion.  Iglesias “substitutes for ‘None of the Above,'” said Hoffenblum, who publishes the California Target Book on political campaigns. “What Van Tran needs is every vote of someone who doesn’t like the incumbent,” according to the O.C. Register.

We have received several Sanchez mailers at our household.  All of them have ripped Tran for accepting $136K in legal per diems.  Sanchez has yet to send out any mailers about what Latino voters really want to hear about – jobs and immigration reform.

Tran has been focusing on jobs in his own mailers.

Here is what Iglesias has to say about her stance on the issues, on her website:

  • More Jobs / Mortgage Recovery
  • Less Government Spending
  • Improved Homeland Security
  • True Immigration Reform
  • Protect Our Troops/Veterans

Here are the issues Sanchez is highlighting on her website:

  • Education
  • Homeland Security
  • Law Enforcement
  • Military/Defense Issues
  • Health Care
  • In Support of Working Men and Women
  • Economic Development
  • Veterans
  • Human Rights

While Sanchez mentions “Economic Development” she does NOT mention jobs!  And she forgot to mention mortgage recovery, which is a HUGE issue in Santa Ana.

But you have to love Tran’s website.  He doesn’t mention any issues at all!  And he offers a Vietnamese language website, but not one in Spanish.  Nor does he offer his campaign video in Spanish.  What a dope!

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

5 thoughts on “Bad news for Van Tran, Latino voters don’t support Republican candidates”
  1. 1. Loretta might not MENTION mortgage recovery on her website, but she’s certainly been doing something about it, as I posted about here:

    2. It’s bizarre how she runs away from immigration reform. I know she’s supposedly always working with Luis Gutierrez on it, but she totally seems to not want to be associated with it publicly?

    3. Big bombshell likely in the next few weeks re. Loretta and the OC Fairgrounds (Vs. Van who originally voted to sell it and hasn’t done much at all one way or the other since, leaving it to Solorio who’s in another district.) Already said too much. But you got your first hint here.

  2. I agree with you Art; our best choice is Cecilia Iglesias. She is reaching out to all the communities in a whole (Latinos, Vietnamese, Anglos, African Americans, etc.). Cecilia has a plan on ways tha she wil turn around our economy and mortagage recovery.

    I will vote for Cecilia Iglesias and spread the word!!!!!

  3. Repub friends say that another big bombshell is coming soon re: Loretta’s alleged affairs. We know she endorses the Playboy philosophy, and there have been rumors about her for years. But I haven’t seen the hard evidence and she hasn’t said a word. We heard she is engaged or married to someone now, but she doesn’t wear a ring and we haven’t been able to confirm it. Does anyone know? Has she settled down, so to speak? Many voters think character and family values matter, so these issues will always come up. Look at all the politicians who have crashed and burned over adultery affairs in recent years (Gov Sanford, Sen Ensign, John Edwards, etc.) Stay tuned, amigos.

  4. Hunter, if the Repuglies are pinning their pinhead hopes on false rumors about Loretta’s personal life, they will be sorely disappointed. Rumors about her alleged affairs are totally FALSE. They are, in fact, pure sexist nonsense. Pretty women in power are too frequently maligned as “sluts” or “whores.” Now Tran and his allies are attempting to make the same old shameful personal attacks against Loretta, especially in the Viet press. If your friends claim they have evidence of indiscretions by Loretta, they are either misinformed or malevolent misogynists. (Tran’s voting record in the Cal Assembly has earned him a big fat “F” grade from the California Nat’l Organization for Women.) These rumors are a classic example of how internet blog lies get recycled until they gain traction on the slippery slopes of Mount Big Lie. There is not and never has been ANY truth to the nasty rumors about Loretta’s personal life. She has been in a steady, exclusive, committed relationship with one man for the last five or six years. Friends say they are planning to marry soon. Those of us who know Loretta, know that she lives a clean, sober, disciplined life of dedicated service to her constituents, her family and her country. So, please have the integrity to shut down the rumor mill and show some common decency toward Loretta, who left a lucrative career in finance to make a difference in our community.

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