On July 3, 2020 at approx. 6:50 A.M., the victim was waiting at the bus stop on the 3300 block of South Bristol Street. As the victim attempted to board the bus, the suspect attempted to pull her purse away from her. The victim resisted and attempted to retain her purse until she was knocked to the ground by the suspect. The suspect took the victim’s purse and began running northbound on Bristol Street as the victim and a witness gave chase.

As the victim and witness were chasing the suspect, the suspect stopped, turned toward the victim and produced a knife, pointing it at the victim. Fearing for her safety, the victim stopped chasing the suspect, and he was able to escape with the victim’s property.
We are grateful to the OCTA for providing their bus surveillance videos. OCTA equips each bus with cameras to ensure the safety and security for their passengers.
Anyone with information to identify/locate wanted suspect please contact Detective Prewett at (714) 245-8323 / DPrewett@santa-ana.org