A truly bizarre case unfolded yesterday in Santa Ana when SAPD police officers were called to a Santa Ana storage facility where they found a dead man and a woman and a seriously injured second man, according to ABC News.
The SAPD has since updated this story to reflect that the case involved a possible murder-suicide at a Santa Ana comercial business, as we have reported here.
Police investigators believe the carnage was the result of a fight involving the three people. The investigators are confident in this as they are not looking for any other suspects.
The deaths occurred at a storage unit at the 1200 block of East Chestnut Avenue at around 4:25 p.m., according to the SAPD.
The injured man, was is said to be in critical condition, was taken by paramedics to a local emergency hospital.
The investigators do not yet know if the deaths were due to stabbing or were possibly the result of gunshots.
While the investigators do not believe the incident was gang-related they do not yet have a motive.