The I-5 Central Corridor HOV Project construction activities are scheduled to continue this week on Main Street in the City of Santa Ana. Work includes, the continuation of Main Street’s barrier construction, curb and sidewalk removals and replacement, signal pole and electrical work, and paving. These activities are scheduled during the day from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. behind k-rail and do not require lane closures.
Update: Northbound and Southbound Carpool Lanes
As of July 2, 2020, at least one northbound and one southbound I-5 carpool lane was reopened.
• For Northbound I-5: one carpool lane from SR-55 to Main Street and two carpool lanes are open from Main Street to the SR-57 connector
• For Southbound I-5: one carpool lane is open from SR-57 to Broadway and two carpool lanes are open from Broadway to the SR-55 connector
OCTA and Caltrans’ construction team has been expediting this work while traffic demand has been relatively lower due to COVID-19. Should you have any questions or issues with the construction please call (800) 724-0353 or e-mail central5fwy@octa.net.
When fully completed, this project will add an additional carpool lane (for a total of two lanes) in each direction on I-5 between SR-55 and SR-57 to reduce traffic congestion, bottlenecks, encourage ride-sharing and improve traffic flow. Construction is expected to be completed in early 2021. To sign up for construction alerts or for more information, visit www.octa.net/i5Central.
Dates and times are subject to change if there is inclement weather or if there are unforeseen construction constraints.