Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Miguel Pulido at city council

City of Santa Ana


Santa Ana, CA (February 18, 2015) –The City of Santa Ana has joined cities across the nation to answer the U.S. Department of Transportation’s ‘Mayors’ Challenge for Safer People, Safer Streets.’

“Pedestrian and Bicycle safety remains one of the City’s highest priorities. The Mayors’ Challenge is a great opportunity for the City and the community to work together to take significant action to improve safety for road users of all ages and abilities over the next year,” said City of Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities have been on the rise in recent years and now represent nearly 17 percent of total roadway fatalities nationwide. The Mayors’ Challenge aims to reduce pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities around a framework of seven Challenge activities that are based on the latest innovations in improving pedestrian and bicyclist safety.

“As the fourth highest density City in the nation, this initiative is of particular importance to our community. Many members of our community walk or bike to and from work, home or school. Improving safety for all of our road users is a high priority and a great opportunity for the City to expand on the good work already being done by our committed community, staff and city council,” said Councilwoman Michele Martinez.

The City of Santa Ana has been actively working to identify and address barriers to make streets safe and convenient for all road users, secure funding to improve pedestrian and bike safety as well as educating and enforcing proper road use and behavior by all. Some of the City’s recent initiatives include initiating the City’s Safe Mobility Santa Ana plan, hiring of an Active Transportation Coordinator, engaging the community for the Downtown Complete Streets Plan, and securing nearly $5 Million in grants for pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements.

Specific pedestrian and bicycle safety improvements include: Improved crossing treatments along the popular Maple Bicycle Path, A Safe Routes to School project at Monte Vista Elementary School involving upgraded signage, traffic signal modification and an educational component to the students, a project to implement bike boulevards on Bishop Street, Pacific Avenue, and Shelton Street; Installation of Class II bike lanes on three arterial Newhope Street, Civic Center Drive, and Grand Avenue; A Complete Streets Plan for five residential neighborhood corridors; Three Safe Routes to School projects at Heninger, King and Washington Elementary Schools involving upgraded signage, traffic signal modification and an educational component to the students.

The Mayors’ Challenge will represent an opportunity to improve pedestrian and bicycle safety across the country as part of a nationwide initiative.


U.S. DOT Resources

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The New Santa Ana blog has been covering news, events and politics in Santa Ana since 2009.

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The New Santa Ana blog has been covering news, events and politics in Santa Ana since 2009.

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