On October 23, 2020, a victim called the Fountain Valley Police Department to report that her wedding rings had been stolen, according to the FVPD’s Facebook page.
Earlier in the year, Suspect Christopher Bood, a 32-year-old resident of Huntington Beach, was assisting a friend in remodeling the victim’s home in Fountain Valley. During this time, the victim’s wedding rings were stolen.

It was later discovered that Bood’s girlfriend had possession of the rings. Fountain Valley Police Detectives located Bood who admitted to taking the rings in February 2020. Detectives were able to recover the stolen wedding rings and returned them to the owner. Bood was booked into Orange County Jail on grand theft charges with a $25,000 bail.
It is unknown if Bood has committed other similar crimes while working in this capacity. Possible additional victims of Bood are encouraged to contact Detective Rodriguez at:
(714) 593-4461 or Sergio.Rodriguez@FountainValley.org.
Update: The suspect contacted us last night to say that he is innocent. He says he did not steal the rings.
what a looser Mexican piece of shit….
Look sweetie i stole you a wedding ring, and of course the bitch is wearing it….,
I went to high school with him. He is definitely white… just FYI. But I agree with the rest of the statement.