During Thanksgiving week, Santa Ana experienced Santa Ana Winds with speeds in the range of 25 to 35 mph and with gusts exceeding 60 mph.
The City’s Public Works Maintenance Services Division Team received over 200 calls for tree services, including 12 fallen trees, over 60 tree limbs down, and tree brush citywide. The Public Works Agency staff is working quickly and through the evenings to respond to the large number of service calls to ensure the streets and sidewalks are safe, accessible and clean. The core areas of the wind impacts were located in the central and eastern part of the city.
Tree limbs and debris are being cut and stacked on parkways to service priority calls such as cars or structural damages and street blockage more rapidly. City staff will follow up with removal once all major hazards are addressed. Even with the quick service response, it is estimated that it will take up to two weeks to remove all debris throughout the City. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for patience.
To report downed trees and debris:
- Use the mySantaAna app – www.santa-ana.org/residents/mysantaana-app
- Call Public Works Dispatch at 714-647-3380 or email PWADispatch@santa-ana.org
- Go online to www.santa-ana.org/report-issue
Llamadas de Servicio para la Tormenta de Viento | Hỗ Trợ Khi Có Gió
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