The Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce is hosting a virtual Santa Ana City Council and Mayoral candidates forum tonight from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Please register here.
The Chamber states on their website:
Through our moderated candidate forums, the public can get nonpartisan candidate information and listen to questions answered by the candidates. All candidate forums are free and open to the general public. Although, this is a free event we need to you to pre-register.
Here are the candidates:
Ward One
- Tony Adame – Entrepeneur/CEO – the Founder of the Suavecito Company – info@tonyadame.com. Candidate Statement.
- Cynthia Contreras – Orange County Probation Coordinator. Chindirella2@yahoo.com. Candidate Statement.
- Thai Viet Phan – An attorney and a Santa Ana Planning Commissioner. Info@thaivietphan.com. Candidate Statement.
- Thomas Gordon – School Facilities Manager. No candidate statement. thomas.anthony.gordon@gmail.com.
Ward Three
- Jeffrey Katz – an attorney and President of the Floral Park Neighborhood Association. Vote4katz@gmail.com. http://vote4katz.com/
- Jessie Lopez – She is an active coalition member of Rise Up Willowick. and a member of the Orange County Democratic Party Central Committee. Jessie@votejessielopez.com
- Jose “Joe” Madueña – Irishjoe2030@yahoo.com
- Mark McLoughlin – a Santa Ana Planning Commissioner. McloughlinForCityCouncil@gmail.com https://mcloughlinforcitycouncil.com/
- Danny Vega – the founder of the the Facebook page, Neighbors of Santa Ana. https://vegaforcouncil.com/. Vegaforcouncil@gmail.com.
- Jannelle Welker – She works for O.C. Supervisor Doug Chaffee. Jannelle@votewelker.com
Ward Five
- Johnathan Ryan Hernandez – Community Health Worker. johnathan@hernandezforsantaana.org. Candidate Statement.
- Victor Mendez – Businessman/Car Dealer. vicdmendez@gmail.com. Candidate Statement.
- Laura Perez – Property Management Coordinator. Lauraperez7428@gmail.com. Candidate Statement.
- Juan Villegas, Councilman/Sheriff Officer – juan@juanvillegas.com. Candidate Statment.
- Cecilia Iglesas -Educator/Taxpayer Advocate. Iglesias4mayor@gmail.com. Candidate Statement.
- Claudia C. Alvarez – Prosecutor/College Trustee. Alvarez4mayor@gmail.com. Candidate Statement.
- George Collins – Business Owner. Candidate Statement.
- Mark I. Lopez – Business Owner. Tango1mikemike@aol.com. No candidate statement.
- Vincente Sarmiento – Councilmember, City of Santa Ana/Businessman. info@sarmientoformayor.com. Candidate Statement.
- Jose Solorio – Councilmember/Father. jsolorio@aol.com. Candidate Statement.