Mon. Mar 31st, 2025


Mr. Michael Bishop, (714) 558-5523

The Santa Ana Board of Education Appoints
Thelma Meléndez de Santa Ana as New Superintendent

SANTA ANA, CA – July 15, 2011 – The Santa Ana Board of Education has announced the appointment of Dr. Thelma Meléndez de Santa Ana as the next superintendent to lead the Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD). Dr. Meléndez will assume the duties of Superintendent on August 8, 2011. This item will be agendized for open session ratification on July 26, 2011, as required by Government Code.

Dr. Meléndez previously held the position of Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education at the United States Department of Education (USDOE) since 2009. During her tenure as the Assistant Secretary, Dr. Meléndez served as the principal advisor for Arne Duncan, the U.S. Secretary of Education, on all matters related to elementary and secondary education. Prior to arriving at the USDOE, Dr. Meléndez served as superintendent for the Pomona Unified School District. In 2009, her success as an education leader was recognized by the American Association of School Administrators, which voted her California Superintendent of the Year. As an experienced leader, educator and an English learner herself, Dr. Meléndez has focused much of her work supporting diverse populations and has been especially instrumental in moving forward the national conversation on supporting English Language Learners.

“After a thorough, careful search the Board has selected the right leader to continue the work of former Superintendent Jane Russo,” said José Alfredo Hernández, J.D., president for the Santa Ana Board of Education. “Dr. Meléndez has the right credentials, qualifications, experience and results to help take our students to the next level of academic success.”

Dr. Meléndez has been recognized frequently for her educational leadership. In April 2011, she received the National Hispanic Woman of the Year Award from the Mexican American Opportunity Foundation. She also received an honorary doctorate from Pepperdine University’s Graduate School of Education and Psychology in May 2011. In 2010, she was named Hispanic Business Magazine’s Woman of the Year. In 2007, she was named Latina of Excellence by Hispanic Magazine, receiving the Educationalist award. In 2005, Dr. Meléndez was recognized as an Outstanding K-12 School Leader & Distinguished Partner for Educational Excellence by California State Polytechnic University at Pomona. And, in 2003, the Los Angeles County Bilingual Directors Association named her Outstanding Educator of the Year.

Dr. Meléndez earned her Ph.D. from the University of Southern California (USC), where she was in the Rossier School of Education program specializing in language, literacy and learning. She earned a bachelor’s degree cum laude in sociology from the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). She is married to Otto Santa Ana, a professor in the Department of Chicano Studies at UCLA.

“We are excited to have Dr. Meléndez join the Santa Ana Unified team and have every confidence in her leadership to provide our students and our community with the very best educational opportunities,” said Hernández.

Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) educates approximately 58,000 students at 61 school sites throughout the Santa Ana community. The K-12 school district is the largest in Orange County and the second largest employer in Santa Ana with approximately 4,500 educators and staff members. The SAUSD boasts 28 California Distinguished Schools, five National Blue Ribbon Schools, and two 2011 National Blue Ribbon nominees.

Contact us at 714-558-5555, or For more information about our schools, visit

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

60 thoughts on “The SAUSD confirms the hiring of Meléndez de Santa Ana as their Superintendent”
  1. “Teachers don’t have a choice. Most people here want to rail against illegal immigration and most people want to tell teachers that they are doing a bad job. Teachers do not have any control over public policy and these are the kids that show up in our classrooms. Our job is to do the best we can with the students we are given. We do the best we can and yet it is never good enough because everything in this article is true. I may sound like a racist, but I have dealt with the attitude of the parents who come from Mexico, they do not place any value on education for the most part. If they show up to parent conferences, their biggest concern is if their child is behaving well. Behavior is never really the issue, for the most part the younger kids are very well behaved. It is academics, but they aren’t really worried about that. My sense is that their deep belief is their child will never have any opportunities in which education will help and so there is no reason to push it.”

    MQ says:

    This was written by Tmare…I do like you woman…but I do not understand why you don’t stand with me? You know this idiot will only be another suite with out a brain. She has proven if you look at her performance, she is another idiot who is out for herself and does not rock the boat. She spews the same shit about cultural sensitivity and what is needed is to make the parents accountable for a 9,000 + education…. For some reason, I have faith in you, I find you real and passionate and that is a plus for teaching in Santa Ana!

  2. Michelle,
    While I am quiet skeptical, at this point I am choosing to give her the benefit of the doubt in the hopes that it can’t get worse. The staff members at our schools are extremely frustrated right now with the lack of control they have over the policies at their schools. At every turn, they have been stopped from providing effective discipline by the district administration. I know that you realize that a school really has nothing if it can’t provide discipline and unfortunately the current administration places the focus on curriculum and testing while the lack any semblance of study skills or discipline. If she can initiate an alternative school for the kids with major discipline issues, it would be a major step towards providing a real education for the students that want to learn. Our kids are suffering because schools are forced to keep kids even when those kids commit crimes.

  3. What needs to happen, is that the teachers need to walk out! Refuse to teach until there is a positive change. Unless that happens the teachers are responsible for letting the status Quo continue!

  4. When Meléndez was Superintendent of Pomona Unified School District one of her last acts was to fire Randy Barth and THINK Together. Hhhhhmmmm?

  5. Frankly,
    I’m wondering if you have a link or any documentation to prove that. If that is true, we might finally be free of this classroom destroying babysitting service.

  6. Department of Education

    Remarks of Dr. Thelma Melendez de Santa Ana to the National Association for Bilingual Education

    February 3, 2010

    Thank you for inviting me to address this group of valued colleagues and champions—it is wonderful to be here among so many people committed to guaranteeing an excellent education for every child in America.

    And, congratulations to NABE on this important milestone! For going on 40 years, your leadership has ranged from providing professional development for educators, to conducting grassroots advocacy for English language learners, to serving as a national voice for educational achievement and equity.

    You represent more than 20,000 members and speak for millions of students. I know because I too, as a teacher and administrator, was a member of NABE. I know personally how hard all of you are working on behalf of America’s growing community of bilingual, multilingual and English language learners, as well as the families, educators and advocates that support them.

    I understand firsthand your challenges, your dedication, and the great good you are doing. In my home district of Pomona, just over 40% of our students are English Learners, and an additional 24% are Fluent-English-Proficient. I, too, am a bilingual learner, and I assure you that I am bringing all of this experience to my role in Washington.

    Last year, I left the Superintendent’s office determined to help represent the local school district perspective in the groundbreaking efforts that are now taking place at the U.S. Department of Education, and across the country.

    Today, I want to speak about your work within the context of this powerful drive for education reform in the United States.

    As a nation, we have made great strides. But we have yet to realize the goal of equal educational opportunity in America. As the President reminded us last Wednesday night, “In the 21st century, the best anti-poverty program around is a world-class education.”

    No matter their race, creed, zip code, or first language, every child in this nation is entitled to a quality public education. It’s the one and only way to place the promise of the American dream within reach of everyone.

    I feel blessed to have had a career serving children in public education. In each position I’ve held—whether as a teacher, principal, superintendent, or now, as an Assistant Secretary—my guiding principle has been the same. I am focused on what will improve teaching and learning to help ensure the success of all our children. For me this is more than a moral argument, or a sound professional philosophy—it is rooted in the events of my own life.

    I went to kindergarten at Fremont Elementary School in Montebello, California—right near Los Angeles. I am the daughter of Mexican immigrants, and we spoke Spanish, my first language, at home. I remember my first day of school wasn’t easy. It was difficult to communicate with my classmates and my teacher.

    But one teacher, Mrs. Silverman, didn’t see this as a problem. She saw it is an opportunity. She took it upon herself to find a way to teach me.

    Mrs. Silverman always made sure I knew what was happening in class, giving me attention and encouragement whenever I needed extra help.

    From that first day, Mrs. Silverman believed that I could succeed and took steps to make sure I did.

    So I know what it means to benefit from high expectations. But I also know how hard it is overcome low expectations.

    When I was in high school, I went to meet with my guidance counselor. I asked her if she thought I should apply to UCLA. “No way. Absolutely not,” she said.

    She had not even looked at the file on her desk with my SAT scores and grades. All she knew about me was my last name. She assumed I community college was perfect for me. Now two year schools are fine places, but that was not my dream. My dream was to attend UCLA.

    Consequently, it would take me longer to get there. I began at a Cal State school. But there, once again I was fortunate to have a teacher who had high expectations of me.

    One day, after a long test, I visited my political science professor. He taught at both the Cal State and at UCLA. So I repeated the question I posed 2 years earlier: Could I make it at UCLA?

    His answer was as quick and as definitive as my guidance counselor’s—except shorter. “Absolutely,” he said.

    And he was right. UCLA accepted me based on the same high school grades and college admissions scores that sat unopened on my guidance counselor’s desk.

    I did graduate from UCLA, and went on to earn my doctorate at USC.

    Experience has taught me that education equalizes differences in background, culture and privilege, and gives every child a fair chance.

    My story speaks to the importance of high expectations, great teaching, and access to and success in higher education. My story also speaks to the dangers of low expectations, uninspired teaching, and inequitable access—especially for historically underserved groups.

    Sadly, the dangers in my story are the reality of too many of our school children today. Where I was able to rise, today, too many don’t. I am honored and passionate about working on their behalf, and helping to ensure their success. It’s the best way I know of to repay Mrs. Silverman and all the others like her who helped me, and to carry on the noblest traditions of the teaching profession. It’s also, quite simply, the right thing to do.

    Both President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan believe that access to a quality education is the civil rights issue of our time. I know that’s a conviction shared by everyone in this room.

    This administration’s commitment to delivering a quality education for every student could not be a clearer or higher priority—as you heard in the State of the Union address, and as you see in the President’s 2011 budget proposal.

    We’re setting our sights on preparing all Americans to compete in the global economy, and to succeed in the challenging and fulfilling jobs of the 21st century. We are placing our bets for the future on education, because we know that education—more than anything else—is the foundation for continued prosperity.

    A few statistics show the challenges we’re facing:
    •Today, 27% of America’s young people drop out of high school. Almost half of our Latino and African-American students drop out of high school. And too often, not enough is done to prepare those who stay in school for college, career and engaged citizenship.
    •For years, roughly 5,000 schools in the country have failed to meet expectations. This includes some 2,000 high schools that produce about half of our nation’s dropouts, and three-quarters of our minority dropouts.
    •We know that, by 2016, just seven years from now, four out of every 10 new jobs will require some advanced education or training. Thirty of the fastest growing fields will require a minimum of a bachelor’s degree.
    •Yet today, just 40% of our young people earn a two-year or four-year college degree. And, enrollment rates are unequal: studies show that 61% of qualified white high school graduates enter 4-year colleges, compared to just 44% of similarly qualified Latino graduates, and 29% of similarly qualified African American graduates.
    •A generation ago, our educational system was the envy of the world. Today, we are slipping behind. The US now ranks 10th in the world in the rate of college completion for 25- to 34-year-olds. The global achievement gap is growing.

    Change is needed, both to ensure our children’s success and to maintain our standing in the world. Now, let’s also take a closer look at America’s English learners, and why their success is so crucial to the success of our nation.
    •Approximately one in ten students in the United States is an English learner. And of course, that percentage is dramatically higher in states like Texas or my home state of California.
    •English learners are our fastest-growing student population. This group is also one of our most diverse. There’s a huge misconception that English learners are all immigrant students. In fact, over 78% of ELLs are U.S. born.
    •We also tend to think about English learners as new to the classroom, or as starting out in the very early grade levels. But this is not the case. Rather, between 68% and 80% of English Learners in California and Texas are considered long-term English learners. In places like Los Angeles, it’s definitely more like 80%. Growth among secondary ELLs is 64%, compared to 46% growth at the elementary school level.
    •These students are also very diverse with over 400 languages spoken by ELLs. Diversity in background also include students with interrupted formal education.

    So, yes, we must transform our schools, and dramatically improve teaching and learning for all of our students. But at the same time, we must find and implement those specific strategies that are proving effective for the wide variety of needs and abilities represented by our English language learners.

    The President and the Secretary are acting decisively to meet these challenges. I’m proud to be a member of their team. President Obama has set two clear goals for all of us to focus on.

    First, by 2020, America will again have the most competitive workforce in the world, with the highest proportion of college graduates of any country.

    Second, we will close the achievement gap, so that all students—whatever their family income, wherever they grow up, whatever the color of their skin, and whichever language or languages they speak at home—all students graduate from high school ready to succeed in college and careers.

    The President’s goals are the driving force behind the administration’s vision for “cradle-to-career” reform. America’s education pipeline must begin with strong services for our youngest learners, transition them seamlessly through an effective elementary and secondary system, and culminate at the college and career end of the spectrum in a host of high-quality, affordable options for postsecondary education and workforce skills training.

    To help us achieve this, Secretary Duncan has outlined four major areas where American education falls short—four obstacles to meeting those 2020 goals—as well as the broad solutions that will direct our investments and efforts where they can have the greatest impact.

    Let’s look at each one of these reform areas, and discuss how each relates to English language or bilingual learners.

    As leaders, we all know the importance of high expectations on the performance of students in our districts and schools. Our public school students need the same high bar set before them. If our students aren’t being prepared for success when they graduate, we owe it to them to raise our standards. So the first area for reform is to set standards and assessments that truly prepare students for college and career success.

    And, with regard to English language learners, we must encourage states in developing ELP standards and assessment that prepare ELLs to succeed. That means linking ELP assessments and standards with ELA standards in order to obtain real information about their progress and achievement.

    Second, we know that teacher talent is probably the single most important factor in the success or failure of our students. In fact, research shows that if minority students learn from an excellent teacher for three consecutive years, we could eliminate the achievement gap. But great teachers don’t exist in a vacuum. Effective leaders attract and cultivate effective teachers, and great leaders are a catalyst for school growth. So we must find ways to recruit, train, and reward outstanding teachers—and leaders.

    Our teachers and school leaders need to know how to help English learners develop academic skills and language proficiency. They need to ensure that these students have meaningful access to the proper grade-level content—while at the same time providing all the necessary and appropriate supports.

    Similarly, in order to build teacher and principal leadership in regard to English language learners, we must focus on capacity-building and professional development. Teachers and school leaders need assistance with the assessments and instructional models that work best for such learners, and they need to understand the diversity within the English language learner population so that they can truly tailor instruction to specific needs and strengths.

    Experts in this field have also called for better tools to show how socioeconomic status, literacy levels in the first and second language, and developmental differences may also affect learning among this wide array of students.

    Now, the third major reform area is the need to collect data to track students’ progress, identify the teachers having the biggest impact on achievement, and even link teachers back to their schools of education. Our data systems must do this carefully for all children, so that we learn how to best develop teachers and prepare students for success.

    Data collection structures are also an important challenge for people doing research and working with English learners. Experts are urging that we monitor accountability requirements more efficiently and more meaningfully within the ELLs subgroups, in order to ensure effective services and chart progress for these students. We need an accountability system that measures and records how individual students are progressing throughout their entire careers—among other reasons, so that we can follow former English learners who have been reclassified, but who may still need targeted support. Otherwise, once they’ve been reclassified, there’s a risk that these students may become invisible, and even that their learning may plateau or regress.

    We must be aware of their status and their needs, and offer the types of assistance that will ensure continued gains in academics and language fluency.

    Finally, moving on to the fourth reform area, we need to turn around our lowest performing schools. We need to transform “dropout factories” into vibrant learning communities where our children’s great potential is realized.

    We also need to target investments for services to English learners if schools are to hire appropriately trained teachers, implement research-based curricula, and support these students as they gain proficiency in English and achieve high academic standards. We can do much to improve our schools and reduce the drop-out rate by making sure that all of our districts incorporate the best approaches for serving our bilingual students.

    Targeting these four key areas—both in general and as they apply to English language learners—will help concentrate our energy, policies and investments on the areas where improvements are most needed. It will also help move the U.S. Department of Education away from its traditional role as a compliance monitor, toward a new role as an engine of innovation—recognizing success and scaling up best practices.

    The speed and the scope of the Department’s actions in the past year should tell you something about how seriously we take this charge. More importantly, at the state and local level, we’ve seen hundreds of thousands of jobs saved, new policies created, creative approaches adopted, legal barriers to reform cleared away. Let me stress how impressed I am with those I work with at the Department of Education, but especially with the countless Americans I’ve had the privilege of meeting in my role as Assistant Secretary.

    The President believes that education is the way to secure our country’s economic future. He’s investing heavily in college access, K-12 reform, and early learning.

    His fiscal 2011 budget includes proposals that address the needs of students of all ages and at all educational levels—including English language learners.

    It includes $156 billion for student aid—enough to provide federal assistance for 3 out of every 5 students enrolled in higher education. This includes increasing the size of Pell Grants—which are an economic lifeline to so many students who are struggling to pay for college. It also includes efforts to make it easier for graduates to repay their student loans through the income-based repayment program. The budget reduces the percentage of their income they are required to pay and shortens the number of years they need to make payments. After 20 years of reduced payments, borrowers’ debts will be forgiven.

    In K-12 education, the budget includes a $4 billion increase. Much of this increase will go to several new funds addressing key areas:
    •Producing excellent teachers and leaders,
    •Creating new funds to ensure students receive a well-rounded education—addressing literacy, science and mathematics, as well as history, the arts, civics, and other elements of a rich curriculum.
    •Starting a new fund that encourages integrated services for students.

    The budget also expands the president’s commitment to driving reform by adding $1.35 billion to the Race to the Top fund and $500 million to the Investing in Innovation Fund—and making both of those competitive funds permanent.

    And, this budget requests $800 million for the English Learning Education program. Our goals for this program include:
    •English language proficiency to ensure opportunity for academic success;
    •Proficiency in content to ensure full range of academic options; and
    •Encourage bi-literacy to strengthen our global competitiveness.

    The president has also promised to request an extra $1 billion for K-12 education, provided that Congress reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. We have a tremendous opportunity to further our reform goals by reauthorizing the ESEA. At the Department of Education we are working hard to incorporate the best lessons and ideas from the field into a proposal that we will soon share with lawmakers.

    To this end, last year, in an eight-month ESEA Listening and Learning Tour, Secretary Duncan and his senior staff traveled to all 50 states, and hundreds of schools. We heard from thousands of students, parents and educators about the strengths and weakness of the current law. They suggested changes and new directions aimed at dramatically improving teaching and learning in this country.

    We all learned so much from these discussions, and I was always impressed by the insight, care and dedication of the participants. Experience has taught me that education equalizes differences in background, culture and privilege, and gives every child a fair chance—and it was evident from the tour that Americans everywhere share this common belief in education as our economic salvation. ESEA dates back to 1965 and it has undergone a lot of changes over the years, but few have been as dramatic and controversial as the 2002 version known as No Child Left Behind.

    Most give credit to NCLB for using student outcomes as measure of success. NCLB helped expand the accountability movement. The law helped expose the achievement gap, by requiring test score reporting on each subgroup of students.

    From my vantage point as a former superintendent, this was a needed and meaningful change. We were able to identify and track the progress of those students who needed the most support, and could better hold ourselves accountable. I saw schools change their behavior and respond more urgently to the needs of all their students. We will always want schools to gauge their impact by the success of all—rather than just some—of their students.

    But, we must be sure that our assessments fully measure what our children need to know in order to succeed. We must develop better ways to gauge the breadth and depth of our students’ knowledge.

    I’m also concerned that our present state standards communicate far too varied expectations, and yield inconsistent student learning, growth and achievement.

    We now have 48 states who have signed on to clearer, fewer and higher college and career-ready standards. With the upcoming $350 million dollar set-aside from Race to Top dedicated to developing assessments aligned to these standards, we have the potential to make a real break-through. We know we need assessments that better measure the breadth and depth of our student’s knowledge, especially for our second language users and other diverse learners.

    To my mind, NCLB’s accountability was unfair. It put too much emphasis on testing and did not provide enough money to help struggling schools. It unfairly labeled schools when they fell short, and then told them what to do when they missed AYP, regardless of whether they missed the goals by a little, or a lot.

    As a superintendent, it was dispiriting to watch schools apply the same interventions, especially when the circumstances did not fully warrant it. A new ESEA can also do more to reward schools that take the right steps to improve.

    In all, we envision an ESEA that is tight on goals and loose on how to achieve them. Greater flexibility, further supports and incentives, better assessments and higher standards—these are the principles that we see forming the core of a new ESEA.

    Now, what are the specific ways we see this new ESEA responding to the needs of English language learners? Let me share our policy thinking with you, and I think you’ll hear how clearly these priorities align with both the research on what’s effective and what’s needed for these populations, and with the four reforms outlined by the Secretary.

    We need to fund innovative approaches, evaluate promising practices, and take proven models to scale, so they are available to more students. Moving forward, the following beliefs guide our thinking.

    First, we want to ensure that ESEA includes more specific and more rigorous standards for English Language learners. Our ELs must have access to content continuously, throughout their educational career

    Second, we won’t back down on accountability—In fact we want to do one better. We want our schools to have the tools to recognize the diversity of their EL populations and better differentiate their support of these students. We want our assessments and performance requirements to bring ELs into the mainstream accountability system—ensuring that their progress, needs and achievements are explicitly measured.

    Third, we need to more clearly define and raise the qualifications of those who teach English learners, and then to design the systems that will track their effectiveness. Teachers, Paraprofessionals, Principals, and Administrators must be better skilled at teaching and supporting ELs.

    Fourth, we need to focus on data—not just data about the EL population, but to disaggregate data within the EL population, to truly capture the diversity of this group and to assess, for example, the needs of older vs. younger students, and investigate the acquisition of content knowledge as well as language development.

    Fifth, we need to invest in innovation and best practices. Again, the great diversity of English learners requires a range of instructional arrangements and supports. We need to help states and districts develop more specific and nuanced instructional approaches for these students. In particular we want to encourage dual language programs. The cognitive benefits are clear, and they can help prepare our students for future success in globally competitive world.

    During our listening and learning sessions on ESEA and diverse learners, I heard the point made that English language acquisition takes time, and that it must be developed in the context of age-appropriate content. But we don’t tend to teach it that way—like my very own first grade teacher, who had me recite the alphabet again and again on the grounds that by doing so, I was learning English, and learning to read! What our schools often try to do is to address English acquisition needs first and then build in content areas. We need models that will move us away from such practices and toward more successful ones.

    In our new version of ESEA, we want to ensure that we are holding America’s diverse learners to high standards, while providing them with the opportunities and supports they need to be successful.

    I can recall a young girl—a new American—who came to this country and to my district without English language skills. Yet by the time she graduated from high school, she was her school’s valedictorian and had been accepted at UCLA.

    Above all, a new ESEA must encourage this type of work and increase this type of outcome. It must encourage great teaching and learning in our classrooms, and encourage greater progress for our diverse learners—so that they all have educational careers like hers. Secretary Duncan has called on us all to build an education law that is worthy of our country—a law that future generations can point to as the moment when Americans came together and laid the foundation for a new era of innovation, growth and prosperity.

    That’s what’s at stake with the reauthorization of ESEA, and I want to thank you in advance for doing all you can to help make the most of this vital opportunity.

    I hope I’ve shared with you my sense of urgency, but also my confidence that now truly is the time for us to join together and achieve significant and lasting improvements for our English learners and bilingual students. I believe we can accomplish this, not only because we recognize that it is just and right to do for them, but because we realize that it will be good for our nation.

    In most countries, bilingualism or multilingualism is the norm—it is just expected. It is built into the school system and is a life-long process. This continuous language learning model is something America needs to explore.

    No doubt many of you have heard the saying, “El que habla dos lenguas vale por dos”—roughly translated, that means, a person who speaks two languages counts as two people. To me, it suggests that someone who has mastered two languages is able to serve as an interpreter, a reconciler, and a mediator between the rich cultures, values and traditions that those languages represent. Such people are especially needed today. With deep roots in more than one world, they can form living bridges between individuals and communities.

    Long before being elected President, then-Senator Obama spoke in favor of nurturing new generations of Americans who are fluent in multiple languages. He said, “We should have every child speaking more than one language.”

    More and more of our children must do this, if our nation is to continue to lead in the global economy; if we are going to help bring security and stability to the world; and if we are going to foster understanding and build ever-stronger and more productive ties with our neighbors. Your work is vital to this effort.

    And at precisely the moment when the ESEA faces its most crucial overhaul ever, and when education is receiving its biggest investments ever, this President and this Secretary of Education chose a Latina superintendent from a predominantly Latino, low-income, and EL district to be Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education.

    I think that sends a powerful message. And I promise you, I take the responsibility that accompanies this honor to heart. So, I ask for your support—now and in the future. Together we can build an outstanding American education system for the 21st century. We can bring about the change that our children and our communities deserve.

    And as the late Cesar Chavez stated, “We need to help students and parents cherish and preserve the ethnic and cultural diversity that nourishes and strengthens this community and this nation.”

    Thank you, and now I’ll be glad to take your questions.

    1. Good stuff Lomeli but I don’t think your Republican friends are going to like what Melendez de Santa Ana stands for.

  7. And again the above proves she is just another union hack. She is not the superman education is waiting for, she is another obvious academic moron, the same type of moron that asks for billions like QEIA and then of course it fails because the one MAJOR problem has not been addressed. PARENTS OF THESE STUDENTS ARE NOT INTERESTED IN THIER CHILDREN”S EDUCTION AND THESE KIDS HAVE NO SUPPORT WITHIN THE HOME…THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR IN THE SUCCESS OF A CHILDS EDUCATIONAL SUCESS!

    Her long winded presentation is just that a presentation and has NO solutions that are actually effective. This idiot sees dollars signs and that is all she sees. I have just about had enough of these idiots raking the tax payers and acting more like social workers than educators.

    Latinas fail because most of the parents are from a country that does not value education and they pass that on to their kids by not supporting speaking english inside the home and not giving their children eduction the respect and support that only a parent can give….So Obama being the idiot that he is and this new superintendent being the union hack that she is…..Kids will CONTINUE to fail in this district for as long as this new Latina hack is in charge. If she reads this I challenge her to realize that she owes the American people for the eduction that she had the great fortune to receive and make good use out of it!

    1. Your assumptions are racist and not founded in fact. Most Latino parents in Santa Ana want their kids to succeed and to do well in school.

      BTW the union hacks don’t like Melendez de Santa Ana. She advocates changes that they are not always comfortable with.

      I say let’s give her a shot but let’s also keep an eye on her. I hope she does well. But if she doesn’t I will be sure to report that on this blog. It is time for transparency at the SAUSD – after years of closed door governance from Russo and her predecessor Mijares.

  8. “Both President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan believe that access to a quality education is the civil rights issue of our time. I know that’s a conviction shared by everyone in this room.”

    MQ says:

    Of course you believe that your people are underserved and this is their civil right. NOT the fact hat actually it has become a complete drain on the civl rights of Americans who can not send their children to a school that is full of parent who don’t share the american value of education….Like I said she is a dream act queen a left wing idiot and will do more damage than good to a district were as Tmare put it has parents who leave their child off at now Mrs Santa Ana’s new and improved BABY SITTING SERVICE! OMG this makes me sick!

  9. “Matsui is one of her longtime mentors, and he’s watched her grow professionally from a classroom teacher to a leader he believes will erase the notion that high achievement is largely the province of the white and wealthy.

    “I think she’s part of the new generation of leaders who will break through that,’ he said.”

    MQ says:

    No she is nothing new to this country. She is another child of illegal parents who cannot understand that those white folk she despises so much, gave her and thousands of children a place in a college that most likely declined to enroll a middle class American child, most likely white! And Yes Patricia you are hoping she will be another Social justice nut and good news she is!

  10. If the parents in Santa Ana wanted their kids to succeed then like my kids, your kids they would be succeeding the fact is like Tmare stated and like most teachers I have spoken too, Spanish speaking parents are more concerned about the fact that the kids are not acting like criminals and disregard the fact that if they don’t get their lazy butts learning English and try to encourage their children to learn….Then Santa Ana will continue to be a haven for people like the Mexican Mafia…lots of young uneducated Mexicans/central Americans to choose from with a US birth certification. And get off the race ban wagon, I could not care less about the racist stamp, because only racists are a segregated as the community of Santa Ana. And like Mrs Santa Ana misspoke that the DIVERSE district??? Where is the diversity, most of the kids in Santa Ana has never even played with a white/asian etc…..And what does she Santa for Art?? why would the republicans not like her???/ could it be that she is a left wing nut, pro-illegal immigration, pro dream act…Is she a RACIST…I bet she is!

    1. Have you ever learned a foreign language Michelle? It is not easy. English is a Germanic language. Spanish is a Latin language with Arabic influences and Mexican Spanish also includes a fair amount of Native influences. English and Spanish are totally different languages.

      As for being lazy, many of these parents work two jobs and the work is the hardest work you will find. What, by comparison, do you do for a living?

      As for diversity, when I attended my oldest son’s high school graduation this year I saw quite a mix of students including Latinos from many different cultures (Mexican, Central and South American); Asians of many different cultures (but primarily Vietnamese) and a few Caucasians. My son by the way was honored for having the highest GPA in the district. He graduated with a 4.6 GPA and is headed to UCLA.

      I don’t think Melendez is a racist but she will have her hands full dealing with the dwindling GOP haters in Santa Ana.

  11. I have many friends, one from Iran ( learned english in 2 years) german, Spain. The reason why many, mostly Mexicans do not learn English is because they simply do not want too. They actually discourage the use of English i the home….I think they call it Spanglish….And your son is the product of good parents, a willing to learn and good parents! Simply that! It also proves my point that color does not dictate the intelligence of a human being, culture and an unhealthy social environment does! Santa Ana is full of gangs, welfare, and a culture unwilling to assimilate into a society that values education! And I doubt the GOP is going to do anything but kiss her butt…I am hoping that people who ACTUALLY care about either having criminals as neighbors or educated healthy individuals beside them will start getting involved to beat these suites into submission. She is a suite and a well paid suite and I see no difference in her and RUSSO! YOu do because you see Mrs Santa Ana’s color and that is one of the reasons your community has NO parks, no hope and no future!

  12. I will give Michelle one thing, the key to the next Superintendent’s success is entirely related to parents. Someone needs to say the hard things to parents and someone needs to find a way to require their involvement. A consistent and wide ranging parent education program would go a long way in this district. At least it appears that the new superintendent can relate to the situation of the parents but hopefully that won’t mean more excuses and more unreasonable demands on the teachers as they attempt to get some sort of accountability from parents and students. The current administration undermines just about every attempt at effective discipline and allows children to remain in schools when they are clearly a danger to other students or have no intention whatsoever of completing homework or behaving like students. Accountability on the part of the district administration, the parents and the students is the missing factor. The blame and responsibility has been placed on the teachers and the school principals while just about every decision is made by the district administration, the parents and the students, this doesn’t work. All parties need to be held accountable and maybe then we can all share in the blame and try to fix those things that are so very broken in SAUSD.

  13. tmare,

    No logical objective individual would disagree with you. I believe Dr. de Santa Ana is saying exactly what you post and have posted in the past.

    I and others feel energized with Dr. de Santa Ana’s direction for SAUSD.

    The haters will be out in force. The arguments are based on hate for a community based on economic and economic manipulation.

    The racists will also be out in force because if successful everything they stereotype will change and so a tool to argue hate will disappear.

    Above it all, we can keep, as said by others, our eyes on the prize.

  14. “The haters will be out in force. The arguments are based on hate for a community based on economic and economic manipulation.”

    Should read:

    The haters will be out in force. The arguments are based on hate for a community based on economic and political manipulation.

  15. Art Lomeli,
    I truly hope your right because I do love this city and my students. I am hoping for change and I would like to see more accountability and transparency. I am not one of the haters, I am wish the best for our new Superintendent.

  16. Frankly,

    Thats interesting. THINK TOGETHER was a once great program like Rosies Garage in La Habra, that once the Samuili $$$ started flowing, it was all about gala’s and less about the kids.

  17. “The haters will be out in force. The arguments are based on hate for a community based on economic and economic manipulation.”

    MQ says:

    Oh, please don’t insult your own intelligence. What the heck does that above mean. Why would anyone hate anyone based on economic circumstance? That Is a ridiculous statement to make. People like myself who are well aware of the amount of money that is consumed by this school district and the results make people like myself sick to the stomach. It is a fact that Santa Ana as a community fails their children when it comes to supporting their eduction and this must be address. But what is happening is either a white idiot like Russo or a brown idiot like Santa Ana are bureaucratic suits who will not continue the feel good approach to the disadvantage, underserved community…which of course it completely the opposites this community is over severed with food, welfare and liberal policies that makes a gang member go to class with kids that are doing their best to learn… so get off the stupid PC band Wagon and use your influence lomeli to actually change this failing approach! I have read quite a bit about Santa Ana and am telling you she is nothing more than a big fat worthless paycheck….Let her prove ME wrong!

  18. Sorry for the typos, I am so sick of hispanic who will not help their own people to prosper to save face!


  19. MQ,

    I tmare and Dr. de Santa Ana and others agree with your assertions on the problem and what needs fixing. Those that argue your points on the need for accountability from administrators,teachers, parents and students need to come together, support and assist Dr. de Santa Ana in implementing the plan to hold and assist the group above, who are the solution.

    Those out to destroy Dr. de Santa Ana before she starts (with a plan no one can objectively attack) and focuses on divisiveness,negativity and stereotyping have a hatred agenda based on economic/political manipulation and/or racism.

  20. Hi Doc by the way:)

    The one point you make could be a possibility if she is REALLY out to make a change. Political manipulation by the unions to keep the status Quo going because this school district has a lot of reasons to want children to fail because they more the school district fails the more money will be pumped into it. I you carefully read what this woman say about what needs to be done to turn this district around its the same old union crap about needing more money, no mention at all from her about the parents and students responsibility. She will get over 250,000 to run this failing school district and I bet no matter her RACE she will keep pumping out the underserved, the vulnerable and the needy to keep that nice paycheck. The problem is YOU think because of her RACE that she is what is needed at the school district, will I bet she is everything that is not needed at the school district, but the men and women who appointed her know she is everything that is needed to keep the district profitable. YOUR public school system has become a business and Mrs Santa Ana is in the business of keeping kids in a situation that is profitable for the district….And i will bet my life of it!

  21. MQ,

    Read the article above I presented carefully. She does not say what you say she says.

    No one on this thread has mentioned her ethnicity except you. It then seems the only one preoccupied by this is you. I wonder why.

  22. I know she does not I went into her record and found out a lot of things that she does not say.

    “In most countries, bilingualism or multilingualism is the norm—it is just expected. It is built into the school system and is a life-long process. This continuous language learning model is something America needs to explore.”

    MQ says:

    This above is a complete fabrication. In most countries in this world, one language the native language is always the case. Only in countries such as Canada with a french quarter and Asia, India where English is encouraged as a second language, because English is the language that is spoken by countries that are beneficial in the world of business. Mrs Santa Ana is PLAINLY wrong about multilingualism unless it is learning English as a second language. She is the opposite, she wants people to learn english as a second language that come from a English speaking nation and of course that is ridiculous in every way. Countries rely on speaking one language to unite that nation and she is looking to divide our nation based on her belief of multiculturalism…which many countries AGREE does not work and of course we see this in the segregated cultural mess that is Santa Ana!

  23. No one on this thread has mentioned her ethnicity except you. It then seems the only one preoccupied by this is you. I wonder why.

    “Dr. Meléndez has been recognized frequently for her educational leadership. In April 2011, she received the National Hispanic Woman of the Year Award from the Mexican American Opportunity Foundation. She also received an honorary doctorate from Pepperdine University’s Graduate School of Education and Psychology in May 2011. In 2010, she was named Hispanic Business Magazine’s Woman of the Year. In 2007, she was named Latina of Excellence by Hispanic Magazine, receiving the Educationalist award. In 2005, Dr. Meléndez was recognized as an Outstanding K-12 School Leader & Distinguished Partner for Educational Excellence by California State Polytechnic University at Pomona. And, in 2003, the Los Angeles County Bilingual Directors Association named her Outstanding Educator of the Year.”

    No need to wonder, she is your new mexican hope, and I am telling you, she is going to fail like the rest of the idiots that you vote for with a spanish last name! It’s your ethnocentric culture to stick with your own Dr. L.

    A failure and breakdown of American values to vote for the best man/woman for the job, not the best match in color or ethnicity!

  24. MQ

    “I know she does not I went into her record and found out a lot of things that she does not say.

    “In most countries, bilingualism or multilingualism is the norm—it is just expected. It is built into the school system and is a life-long process. This continuous language learning model is something America needs to explore.”


    Dr. de Santa Ana is correct. You are ignorant.


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    This article’s lead section may not adequately summarize its contents. Please consider expanding the lead to provide an accessible overview of the article’s key points. (September 2009)

    “Bilingual” redirects here. For the journal, see Bilingualism (journal). For other uses, see Bilingual (disambiguation).

    For multilingualism in Wikipedia, see Wikipedia:Multilingual coordination

    Multilingualism is the act of using, or promoting the use of, multiple languages, either by an individual speaker or by a community of speakers. Multilingual speakers outnumber monolingual speakers in the world’s population.[1] Multilingualism is becoming a social phenomenon governed by the needs of globalization and cultural openness.[2] Thanks to the ease of access to information facilitated by the Internet, individuals’ exposure to multiple languages is getting more and more frequent, and triggering therefore the need to acquire more and more languages.

    People who speak more than one language are also called polyglots.[3]

    A trash can in Seattle labeled in four languages: English, Chinese (垃圾), Vietnamese (should be rác), and Spanish. Tagalog also uses the Spanish word.

    [hide] 1 Multilingual individuals 1.1 Definition of multilingualism
    1.2 Learning language
    1.3 Comparing multilingual speakers 1.3.1 Cognitive ability

    1.4 Receptive bilingualism
    1.5 Potential multilingual speakers
    1.6 Definition of “language”

    2 Multilingualism within communities
    3 Multilingualism between different language speakers
    4 Multilingualism at the linguistic level 4.1 Models for native language literacy programs
    4.2 Sequential model
    4.3 Bilingual model
    4.4 Coordinate model
    4.5 Outcomes

    5 Multilingualism in computing 5.1 Internet

    6 See also 6.1 Linguistic aspects
    6.2 Multilingual countries
    6.3 Policies and proposals
    6.4 Education
    6.5 Other

    7 References
    8 Further reading
    9 External links

    [edit] Multilingual individuals

    Poster of the UNESCO for the International Mother Language Day
    A multilingual person, in a broad definition, is one who can communicate in more than one language, be it actively (through speaking, writing, or signing) or passively (through listening, reading, or perceiving). More specifically, the terms bilingual and trilingual are used to describe comparable situations in which two or three languages are involved. A multilingual person is generally referred to as a polyglot. Poly (Greek: πολύς) means “many”, glot (Greek: γλώττα) means “language”.

    Multilingual speakers have acquired and maintained at least one language during childhood, the so-called first language (L1). The first language (sometimes also referred to as the mother tongue) is acquired without formal education, by mechanisms heavily disputed. Children acquiring two languages in this way are called simultaneous bilinguals. Even in the case of simultaneous bilinguals one language usually dominates over the other. This kind of bilingualism is most likely to occur when a child is raised by bilingual parents in a predominantly monolingual environment.[citation needed] It can also occur when the parents are monolingual but have raised their child or children in two different countries or when the parents are monolingual and raise their child in a society which speaks a language different from their own, which is common in immigrant populations of Western European countries. It’s also possible (but rare) that children are raised in a multilingual country like the Netherlands where Dutch is the main language, but also includes the Frisian language in the northern part of the country. Because of the small area of the country most children from Friesland learn Dutch and Frisian without formal education. Also, Suriname, which speaks Dutch and Sranang Tongo, has this feature.

    A further possibility is that a child may become naturally trilingual by having a mother and father with separate languages being brought up in a third language environment. An example of this may be an English-speaking father married to a Mandarin Chinese speaking mother with the family living in Hong Kong, where the community language (and primary language of education) is Cantonese. If the child goes to a Cantonese medium school from a young age, then trilingualism will result.

    In linguistics, first language acquisition is closely related to the concept of a “native speaker”. According to a view widely held by linguists, a native speaker of a given language has in some respects a level of skill which a second (or subsequent) language learner can hardly reliably accomplish. Consequently, descriptive empirical studies of languages are usually carried out using only native speakers as informants. This view is, however, slightly problematic, particularly as many non-native speakers demonstrably not only successfully engage with and in their non-native language societies, but in fact may become culturally and even linguistically important contributors (as, for example, writers, politicians and performing artists) in their non-native language. In recent years, linguistic research has focused attention on the use of widely known world languages such as English as lingua franca, or the shared common language of professional and commercial communities. In lingua franca situations, most speakers of the common language are functionally multilingual.

    [edit] Definition of multilingualism

    One group of academics[who?] argues for the maximal definition which means speakers are as proficient in one language as they are in others and have as much knowledge of and control over one language as they have of the others. Another group[who?] of academics argues for the minimal definition, based on use. Tourists who successfully communicate phrases and ideas while not fluent in a language may be seen as bilingual according to this group.

    However, problems may arise with these definitions as they do not specify how much knowledge of a language is required for a person to be classified as bilingual. As a result, since most speakers do not achieve the maximal ideal, language learners may come to be seen as deficient and by extension, language teaching may come to be seen as a failure.

    Since 1992, Vivian Cook has argued that most multilingual speakers fall somewhere between minimal and maximal definitions. Cook calls these people multi-competent.

  25. I am so Ignorant…Next time you go to Holland, Sweden, Iran, Germany, MEXICO…You try to use any other language other than the native language and let me know what happens. Of course they might know the English language because that is the universal language.

    My children are learning Spanish, french because it is good to learn other languages. But the problem with Santa Ana and with Mrs Santa Ana she is one of those Hispanic nuts that does not get the importance of an integrated community to have one spoken language and then learn other language as an academic enrichment. And this community is an American community with the native language being English.

    Santa Ana is the opposite, it is children trying to learn the native language with a culture that does not want to learn the native language. It is children who have parents that do not value education. It is children that are used as an ATM because the people within the public school system have learned that the educational system in the US rewards failure with more cash and that is good for the corrupt within this system to flourish like the Teachers union. The non-english speaking kids are a cash cow for people like Mrs Santa Ana and she is not going to rock any boat that might change that. That is why they allow Criminal youths in the class room because they could not care less what bodies are in there, just as long as the little brats can say in English “here”.

    Mrs Santa Ana is just like you Doc, all education and no sense, either because of an ethnocentric blindness or a cash one!

  26. Twisted Tongues: The Failure of Bilingual Education

    Prepared By

    Rosalie Pedalino Porter, Ed.D.
    READ Institute

  27. I have traveled a lot and I have never been to a foreign country that doesn’t teach kids a second language from the time they enter school. My own child are a part of a dual immersion 90/10 Spanish/English program and it is fabulous. I wish that more Santa Ana schools had dual immersion (not bilingual) programs because they are great for Spanish and English native speakers. I don’t think Michelle or Art would argue with that. The issue of discipline is entirely different and yes, Michelle, in the past two years the district has been more concerned with ADA dollars than with the safety and learning for both students and teachers. The discipline issues have become out of control due to lack of district support. These two issues are completely different. Personally I believe that Santa Ana has the resources to bring in students from all over the county for dual immersion programs like the one at Jefferson Elementary or El Sol Academy. Instead they choose to allow students who have been convicted of crimes and have probation officers to remain in the regular schools. During this time when ADA money is so important, why not attract the students of middle to upper middle income with dual immersion programs and let the county deal with the criminals. This one strategy would do wonders for this district. Talk to some of the parents who come from South County, Huntington Beach, Yorba Linda and other cities about why they choose to attend Jefferson and El Sol and you will find that they are doing it because it isn’t offered in their cities. Why not capitalize on strengths and eliminate the weaknesses?

  28. I knew you were smart….YOU are what is needed as a superintendent in Santa Ana. Kick the cow out…move over Mrs. Santa Ana….Meet reason!

  29. Art,
    The issue is literacy. There are many parents from our city who are not literate in their own language. The only way Santa Ana can deal with the lack of literacy in English or Spanish is to provide dual immersion programs for ALL students. Spanish is naturally the second language that would work best for our district, the key is to make sure that kids are literate in English as well. This is being achieved with remarkable success at El Sol Academy and at Jefferson for the kids that are part of that small program within the school. Santa Ana could be a leader in dual immersion. The research is very clear, kids gain in all areas when they speak, read and write and more than one language. It doesn’t matter which language is learned, they just need to start from Kindergarten. All of the poor scores that American children receive on international tests could be addressed by teaching them a second language. Our country has been stuck in a system that attempts to teach language for one period a day beginning in high school. It doesn’t work. At the same time, kids from all over the world are reaping the academic benefits of second languages. Those benefits extend to mathematics, music, logical reasoning and overall brain development. It is so sad that Santa Ana misses the boat especially when they have so many teachers already in their employ who are fully capable of providing this type of education.

  30. Tmare,

    I went to Fairhaven Elementary because i was curious to see why this school was getting thousands more in QEIA funds. What I found was that teachers because they get fed up with teaching the level 1 -2 english learners switch every 6 months and that the kids could speak English well, but the district refuses to classify these kids because they would lose the federal/state grants, so they keep them in ELS….OCHOA the director at Orange Unified is just like Santa Ana…I met with her and came away thinking who the hell would let a woman stay in charge of a program that has failed consistently for years….Ochoa and Santa Ana are one in the same….Hispanics with a obvious left wing leaning and no clue what is needed to get these kids ahead for the reasons I stated before, it is either their ethnocentric ideology or money!

  31. MQ,

    You are possibly not ignorant but rather on a covert anti Hispanic agenda. I say this because you have relevant points on negatives within the community that we all agree with. We all also agree that they need a solution. The solution we agree is to understand the nature of the problems ……..hold administrators, teachers, government, parents and students responsible and a high standard. Then implement a plan for a solution.

    Dr. de Santa Ana says this is her objective. You continue on rants unnecessarily as we all agree on the problem and the solution.

    We all also agree with Dr. de Ana Ana that the correct way to address the English learner issue in SAUSD is with duel immersion.


  32. tmare,

    You are a voice of reason and objectivity. Thank you for your well thought out commentary. I and I believe Dr. de Santa Ana hare your concerns a solution points.

  33. tmare,


    “You are a voice of reason and objectivity. Thank you for your well thought out commentary. I and I believe Dr. de Santa Ana hare your concerns a solution points.”

    Should read:


    You are a voice of reason and objectivity. Thank you for your well thought out commentary. I and I believe Dr. de Santa Ana share your concerns and solution points.

  34. Michelle,
    I hear your concerns regarding reclassification of ELL students, I have the same concerns. However, the state has set up a system that makes it nearly impossible to reclassify students until they are scoring near or at proficiency on the state tests. There are many English Only students who could not be classified as Fluent English Proficient due to low test scores if they were tested according to the requirements. The worst part about this is that every year over half of my kids who are placed in a low level academic classes due to scores are pulled out of the classroom for several days during the critical first few weeks of school to be tested for Language Proficiency. The testing is mandated by the state even though they already know that they will not qualify due to low test scores. These students are fluent English speakers but cannot be reclassified due to the state’s rules. For these students, language is NOT the issue, academics are the issue.

  35. In this country and in this state we have constitution to treat all children the same. What you are asking TMARE is that ONLY one district should be provided the resources that would allow a duel language program. So what about the rest of the school districts? Just because they don’t have a large illegal immigrant population they don’t have the luxury of a second language education? REALLY?

    I too have traveled this world and in NONE of the countries that I have been too had a language programs that targets one specific population!

    So you ask use to pay for the children of illegal immigrants to have the luxury of an education that is specific to an education to learn two languages…And the rest of us are just trying to avoid sending our kids to a school with a large minority of hispanics who bring down the quality of the education system due to the fact that they don’t give a shite!!!! Ok do you see the problem?

  36. tmare,

    So we see that Quinn’s hidden agenda really is anti Hispanic. Not interested in solutions for issues like English learners who are USA citizens and require a out of the box approach in order to keep our Country strong. He/she will use divisive hot issues against a population in order to incite ……race hate propaganda.

    Quinn was civil towards you when you where supporting her negative Hispanic points which we do not disagree with. When you and others offer a solutions she changes her civility, well because a solution develops and elevates that Hispanic community she seeks to harm.

  37. I am not asking for dual immersion for one ethnic population. Dual immersion is great for ALL kids and it is sorely lacking in our country. What I am saying is that Santa Ana has the resources to provide this for students who want it and many who want it would come from outside of the district to get it. This combined with not tolerating criminal behavior on the part of kids (kick them to the county schools) would go a long way towards PR for the district. It wouldn’t really require any additional funding, if you take a look at El Sol, they are doing it well without additional funding. My children are receiving a fantastic education and they are English Only speakers. It is not the students that make this feasible for the district, it is the staff. I say capitalize on your strengths.

  38. No, it’s not anti-hispanic, its anti-discrimation. It is anti-perference! The fact that the voters voted on prop 127. for English emersion and that the department of education allows this complete law evasion is ridiculous. You said Tmare that you have traveled the world and that many countries have duel language schools…WHERE? Prop 127 was designed to get the kids up to speed with their english within two years, then use that to continue basic math and written english which is totally attainable if the school districts would follow the law. I believe very strongly that English emersion is the best approach and that like many countries including Ireland learning a second language as an enrichment course. I believe if the parents are made to be responsible for their children education by making them accountable and yes, taking criminals out of the school system….Why do the taxpayers need to pay for a school police force because the district allows criminals into the system??? LIke, I said this districts only cares about bodies.

    And doc those HOT issues are the reason why kids become criminals and why kids take a block of concrete and hit a 14 year old boy over the head to kill him!

    What you have is a population that have been entitled to every thing including the costly duel language program to cater to a population that is out of control because they are not responsible for anything or to anyone!

    I have solutions: Cut welfare, remove gang members from the school and make parents accountable for their own children. Fortunately most latina’s do well in this country, it’s the Mexican illegal immigrant and their children that have become a massive burden and I agree we can’t ship them home, but we can surly make it known that we will not treat them or their children better than the rest of the population for any reason. If you are asking me if I am anti hispanic I would say why would I be? if you ask me if I have a problem with Mexican illegal immigrants especially in California, I would state ” absolutely”. I have nothing to hide, I have seen enough to know that this population of immigrants have become a real burden, especially to Americans who try to send their children to their local school that has become a school over run by gangs, drugs and parents who treat the public school system as a day care center. The truth is the truth and if it offends you Dr. L because you happen to be Mexican American, well, tough!

  39. Quinn,

    You don’t offend me or the rest that want a solution. We will work hard through a educational plan like Dr. de Santa Ana proposes in order to correct the educational issues within our communities which will then correct the other culture and poverty that contribute to all our concerns that you mention and we acknowledge.

    Because I as you say am a “Mexican American” it is more important for me and others with a similar background to take the lead in elevating our communities to prosperity. DO YOU AGREE?

  40. And bye the way, I think Tmare is an intelligent woman whom I am able to have a debate with her without the silly racist, anti hispanic bull that is the usual attack rhetoric of people who try to ram the usual propaganda of the Mexican activist….See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil of the people’s revolution! Blah, Blah,

    Like Mrs Santa Ana and her picture of Cezar C. The celebrity hispanic who in truth was the first Mexican American minute man who tried to stop illegal immigrants from taking American jobs and when he failed, he switched base to appease for political gain…Instead of having a picture up of a person of integrity, she chooses to have a picture up of a person who ended up betraying his Mexican American worker.

  41. Quinn,

    Please get off your irrelevant rants and join us in the solution, if you are serious.

  42. Michelle Quinn says:

    July 21, 2011 at 11:30 am

    let’s see the educational plan and go from there!


  43. Dual immersion programs are not widely available in Santa Ana or in any other city. The cities that do have them provide dual immersion in Spanish, French and Chinese. It doesn’t matter what the language is although Santa Ana has the staff to do it in Spanish. The dual immersion teachers don’t make any more money than the regular teachers. The point is that the students in those programs far exceed the English immersion students academically in ENGLISH. The program works and the kids eventually end up scoring better than English Only kids. An “enrichment” only program does not lead to literacy in the second language, it only leads to kids who know a few phrases and vocabulary words, it is not second language fluency. The research is very clear that kids who speak, read and write in two languages are far better off academically in English. Check out El Sol’s scores, most of their students are low income Hispanic kids and their math scores rival any Irvine school.

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