SANTA ANA, Calif. (January 15, 2021) – This past Tuesday at the Orange County (OC) Board of Supervisors meeting, the OC Board of Supervisors approved the funding of seven housing developments in six local jurisdictions totaling close to $11 million to produce 437 units of supportive and affordable housing throughout Orange County.
“Orange County has a desperate need for more affordable housing,” said Chairman Andrew Do, First District Supervisor. “With the Board’s approval this week, Orange County is 437 units closer to our goal of developing 2,700 units of affordable housing by 2025. I am committed to continuing to spearhead the County’s efforts to build more supportive and affordable units while simultaneously pursuing all avenues to end homelessness in our communities.”
In response to the homelessness crisis and shortage of supportive and affordable housing in Orange County, the OC Board of Supervisors approved the Housing Funding Strategy (Strategy) in June 2018. The Strategy outlined specific actions needed to achieve a goal of developing 2,700 supportive housing units in Orange County by June 30, 2025. Since that meeting, the County of Orange and many partner cities within Orange County mutually created a joint powers authority known as the OC Housing Finance Trust (Trust) and engaged the support of OC’s state delegation to work towards the goal. To date, the County has a total of 358 supportive and affordable housing units completed or built, over 750 units under construction or closing their construction loan, and almost 900 units in progress of funding which contributes to the Trust’s overall accomplishment of supporting and tracking the development of 2,343 supportive and affordable housing units.
“It is critically important that we provide affordable and supportive housing to help those who are homeless and prevent others from becoming homeless. All of our residents deserve a stable place to live and a chance to be successful,” said Vice Chair Doug Chaffee, Fourth District Supervisor.

The following are names and cities of the seven housing developments approved:
- Center of Hope, Anaheim
- Huntington Beach Senior Housing, Huntington Beach
- Cartwright Family Apartments, Irvine
- Orange Corporate Yard, Orange
- Villa St. Joseph, Orange
- Santa Angelina Senior Community, Placentia
- Westview House, Santa Ana
“It is an honor to be a part of the County effort to provide dignified, stable housing for those at-risk or experiencing homelessness,” said Supervisor Donald Wagner, Third District. “The additional support services will help alleviate stress for residents who are struggling to stay afloat, giving them a much-needed hand up to get their lives back in order.”
“The County is committed to sustainable wrap-around solutions that deliver support services alongside housing to residents in need,” said Supervisor Lisa Bartlett, Fifth District. “Those at-risk of or experiencing homelessness will have the chance to secure a safe and dependable place to live through these affordable developments.”
Chairman Andrew Do and Vice Chair Doug Chaffee serve as members of the OC Housing Finance Trust, representing the Orange County Board of Supervisors. For more information and to track the progress of the Housing Funding Strategy developments, visit the OC Housing Finance Trust’s website at https://ochft.org/.