Over the past 35 days, there have been 34 residential burglaries in Irvine, according to the Irvine Police Department. This is a disturbing trend as Irvine is generally considered to be one of the safer cities in Orange County.
Newport Beach has reported similar trends. The OCDA has also noted in recent weeks that criminals from Los Angeles County and immigrants from South America are targeting homes in Orange County.
One trend that the Irvine Police Department is seeing is suspects knocking down or disabling cameras. The second is suspects climbing to the second story and entering through a window or door.
The Irvine Police Department asks that residents call them if they see suspicious people in their neighborhood or walking in open spaces behind homes.
Tips to protect your home:
- Consider security film on all your glass doors and windows
- Maintain a security system and camera system with activity alerts
- Know your neighbors and look out for each other
- When a stranger is at your door, communicate with them through your camera or from behind the door so they think somebody is home
- Lock your doors and windows
- Vary your lights on timers so your home looks occupied
- Secure your valuables in a properly secured safe
- Use a sliding window lock
- Inventory your valuables and include serial numbers, receipts, and photos of items
- Register your bike at Project529.com/irvine
It would help your credibility if you spell Irvine correctly in your headline.
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