Park Santiago Neighborhood resident Béa Tomaselli Tiritilli will likely be teaming with The Green Being Project/Santa Ana People’s Garden to run her annual environmental-science summer camp this year. Once again, scholarships will be available to families in need. Please spread the word with friends who have kids:
Eco E’s 2013 Summer Day Camps: June 24-June 28 and July 8-July 12, 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Students in our ecology/environmental-science camp learn conservation fundamentals as they explore habitat of the Santiago Park Nature Reserve on the Santa Ana-Orange border (see map to the left). This reserve hosts a diverse ecosystem which includes native plants, riparian woodlands, a natural creek, and all sorts of wildlife, including squirrels, rabbits, raccoons, owls, songbirds and more! The lead instructor is an experienced, credentialed science teacher and wilderness guide. Student-teacher ratio will be no more than 10:1.
Topics covered include: introduction to the local native ecosystem; basic scientific and ecological principles; examination of microscopic organisms in the park and its creek; conservation importance (energy, water, resources); and reasons and ways to avoid pollution while protecting wildlife. Learning will also include nature- and ecology-themed games and crafts. Students will hike up to three miles per day during their explorations, so weather-appropriate clothing, sunscreen, and sturdy shoes are essential.
Mon.-Fri. Sessions beginning this June
9 a.m.-2 p.m. daily
Sign ups for this camp are handled via the City of Santa Ana’s Parks & Rec. Dept. Until their website is updated, you can learn about updates and camp specials via sending an email to, filling out the form on our Contact page, or phoning 714-292-2899.