Santa Ana residents ages 16 and older who live in the 92701 and 92703 ZIP codes can get the COVID-19 vaccine now. These ZIP codes were identified by the State as the most vulnerable to the virus.
The vaccine is also being given to the following groups throughout Orange County:
- Anyone age 50 or older
- Hospital and medical workers
- Teachers and school staff
- Food service, grocery and agriculture workers
- Child care providers
- Emergency service workers
- People age 16 and above with certain pre-existing medical conditions
Starting April 15, anyone age 16 or older can get the vaccine.
Learn more: www.santa-ana.org/vaccine
Obtenga la Vacuna Contra el COVID-19
Spanish/español: https://bit.ly/3wFKE8p

Nhận vắc xin COVID-19
Vietnamese/Tiếng Việt: https://bit.ly/3uDO7T7