A protest by the OC May Day Coalition will take place at the Santa Ana City Council meeting on Tuesday, May 6, 2014, at 5:30 pm, regarding the contract between ICE and the SAPD. The SAPD is paid to jail immigrants who are arrested.
Organizers ask that you “Come early to sign up for public comments and let the council know that we are tired of them paying off their debt at the expense of our hard working immigrant communities. Not 1 more! No mas deportaciones!”
The Orange County May Day Coalition is a community-centered coalition of organizations and individuals; member organizations include:
Chic@nas Unidos, El Centro Cultural de México, OC DREAM Team, OC Peace Coalition, Occupy Santa Ana, SEIU-USWW, OCIWW, and Tonantzin Collective
In 2011, the Coalition worked tirelessly to win a more just impound policy in Santa Ana, California. The issue of unjust towing became a battleground when cities such as Maywood and Montebello seized cars in immigrant communities to raise cash. In Orange County, Santa Ana impounds more cars at state-funded drunk-driving checkpoints than any other police agency.
Currently, OCMDC is working on ending the collaboration between ICE and the SAPD and stop the detention and incarceration of our family and friends.
The law is the law…..if you came to the USA without proper papers, you are a federal criminal. You need to go back and stand in line and get your papers properly. Then you will be permitted to be in the USA. The USA is (or has historically been) a nation of laws. We must all abide by the laws, not just the ones we select to abide by. Now, alternatively, open the borders and let everyone come in……it would be a big flood of undereducated unemploed people for a while, but, hopefully, later the educated professionals and business owners would stroll over. Make it open so papers are issued at the broker. Once you have the papers you ar entitled to everything a citizens or those of us who have worked mor than 60 years have. A big give away……but, it may stop the silliness of groups gathering wiht sobstories about why they and their clan shold stay when they are illegal aliens. Make them all legal (not just certain privileged illegal aliens chosen in some unfair fashion by governmet to stay or leave. Just keep them all! Now, after overusing the public facilities and welfare allocations for housing, food and education, we will be a third world country……..but, without anyone taking up the chants of “don’t send us back”……
Some groups demand the right to possess others like slaves, and that is how many of these people imported from other countries are treated.
These groups demanding rights for their favorite “group of people” should be raising money to hire lawyers to get the various paperwork and applications done. That coupled with cash grants to pay the fees and fines due.
We are all immigrants at one point. The only natives are American Indians, let’s not be hypocrites
Does that mean the blacks who came to the states as slaves were immigrants?
Are the Russian soldiers entering the Ukraine just immigrants?
What about those people, who break your window and move into your home, are they just emigrating from one person’s house to another without permission?
This REEKS of politicization.
The “groups” should be aware, that by protesting, they are advocating to send their (figuratively) family members further away. Change the law.
This is a ploy by connected political activists to send a message to the uneducated Council members: “YOU BETTER LISTEN TO US (P.David, Roman and Michele) OR ELSE!
This is mob mentality politics. The “groups” are doing significant harm to the detainees and their familes. ALL FOR ATTENTION AND POLITICAL GAIN.
Just like this guy who runs a bar here in Santa Ana with a dead mans name on the his California beer license…
Dead men tell no tales…