The Santa Ana WORK Center and EDD invite you to their next job fair – which will feature local government jobs. Everyone knows that government jobs pay well and offer great benefits. This is your chance to land a great government job!
The O.C. Government Job Fair 2023 is set for July 31, 2023, from 12 noon to 2 p.m. at the Santa Ana WORK Center located at 801 West Civic Center Drive, Suite 200, in Santa Ana.
Meet with the following employers at the OC Government Job Fair:
- The SAPD
- The City of Santa Ana
- The U.S. Air Force
- The State of California EDD
- The USDA Forest Service
- The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation
- The U.S. Postal Service
Whether you’re a recent graduate or an experienced professional, this is your chance to explore exciting opportunities in the public sector.
Parking will be validated and entrance to this job fair is free! For more information about this event call 714-565-2600.