An anti-deportation protest is set for today in Santa Ana at Sasscer Park, located at 4th St. and Ross, at 10 a.m.
A GoFundMe page has been set up to raise funds to help the deported.
The page was set up by Lilly Playas.
The page notes:
- ¡El pueblo unido jamás será vencido!
- The people united will never be defeated! Ningún ser humano es ilegal
- No human being is illegal
- No human being is illegal on stolen land Keep families together
- Mantener familias juntas
- Separation of powers, not families
- Protect our community!
- ¡Proteja nuestro comunidad!
- We didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us Families belong together!
- ¡Las familias merecen estar unidas!
- Abolish ICE!
- Don’t bite the hand that feeds you!
- ¡No muerdas la mano que te da de comer! The power of the people is greater than the people in power
Donations will be funded to families who have been impacted by I.C.E.
We are not alone.
- 1-800-273-8255 – Suicide Hotline
- 877-226-3111 – Addiction Hotline
- 844-228-2962 – Eating Disorder Hotline
- 877-455-0628 – Self Harm Hotline
- 888-640-5174 – Depression Hotline
Inhumane situations like this aren’t always the happiest for some, please use these numbers if you need them!
yeah fight that satanic orange blob that’s about to crash the u.s. economy worse than reagan did.
If you’re here illegally, what did you think would happen?
Indeed; I would expect to be extremely nervous if I chose to set up my life in another country where I didn’t have legal status to work or reside.