One of the biggest complaints by Santa Ana residents is about the shortage of parking in our city. Residents get perturbed when their neighbors park broken down cars in the street or when one house has six or seven vehicles. Angry notes get left on cars; some cars get vandalized and residents even resort to trying to save parking spots with traffice cones, trash cans and even lawn chairs!
The City of Santa Ana is finally doing something about this as their Public Works Traffic Engineering Department is conducing a public meeting on Monday, May 13, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m so neighbors may share their thoughts regarding the the Citywide Street Light Masterplan, Active Transportation
Grant Opportunities, and the Citywide Parking Study.
The meeting details are as follows:
Monday, May 13, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.
McFadden Institute of Technology
2701 S. Raitt St Santa Ana CA 92704
This is an opportunity for Santa Ana residents to provide feedback about the Traffic Engineering programs.
For additional details on the Traffic Engineering Road Show, visit
Great start is to disallow parking variances for new construction. For better or worse, we are still a car-based culture– that won’t change for a long time. Yet most new construction developers wield their influence with local officials to get a variance to reduce the number of parking spaces required. This means more rentable and/or sellable space (read: MONEY) for the developers, and more tax revenue (read; MONEY) for the local official’s budgets. And of course, the corrupt officials spin is as “green environmentalism” to get your vote by saying it will encourage more people take public transit. It doesn’t; it just makes them park their cars on overcrowded streets. Corruption is as corruption does. Vote them out.
Have new apartment complexes build parking structures (although, that might attract the homeless). There is no space to build out. You have to build up. As for single family neighborhoods, you need to convert the most crowded areas to parking permit zones where a single house only gets a set amount of cars that can park on the streets. People are going to cram multiple families into one house and all the driving age people are going take up all the parking. This needs to be enforced daily if not weekly. It is not safe to park far away and walk home at night.