When Santa Ana’s gay bar, Velvet Lounge, was granted a C.U.P. (Conditional Use Permit) by the City of Santa Ana’s Planning Agency, they got most of what they asked for – except that they were forbidden from engaging in “adult entertainment.” Well, judging from the pictures on their website, it looks like they might be violating their C.U.P. – regularly. Take a look for yourself – the pictures below tell the story better than I can:
Imagine how quickly the Santa Ana Planning Agency would shut down a Mexican restaurant engaging in these activities in violation of their C.U.P.s?
Another question comes to mind – is Barney Frank style male prostitution happening at the Velvet Lounge?
And we also found a video on YouTube that openly promotes marijuana smoking – at Santa Ana’s Yost Theater. I am all for legalizing marijuana, as it is proven that the drug war serves only to enrich drug lords, but marijuana is still illegal – and after watching this video I have to wonder how much pot is being smoked at the Yost?
Here is the video:
Adult entertainment and pot smoking. Is this what the people of Santa Ana want to see out of our Downtown area?