In support of the food distribution at Main Place shopping center on Saturday April 18, 2020 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., participants will need to enter by lining up on northbound Bristol Street at 17th Street. If the line becomes further backed up, the starting point will be moved to south of 17th Street, south of Washington Avenue.
To assist with the traffic flow for this event, the right-most lane will be closed to through traffic on northbound Bristol (as far south as Washington Avenue), eastbound La Veta Avenue and southbound Main Street to Town and Country Road from 4 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 18, 2020. This will also require lane and/or road closures on the following streets:
• Eastbound left-turns will not be allowed onto Bristol Street during this time, from Washington Avenue, and to the north for all side neighborhood streets, all the way north to La Veta Avenue.
• No neighborhood side street traffic will be allowed westbound onto Bristol Street during this time from Washington Avenue north to south of Memory Lane.
• There will be no westbound right turn allowed onto Bristol Street from Memory Lane.
Please also avoid using the On and Off-ramps for SR-22 at Bristol Street, La Veta Avenue, and Main Street/Town&Country during this time and use the On and Off-ramps either at the City Drive or Grand Avenue.
Please avoid the use of Bristol Street and La Veta Avenue during this time-frame and use alternate routes noted. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for understanding as we assist so many in need during this Pandemic.