Tue. Jun 25th, 2024

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is an opportunity for communities around the globe to promote a better understanding of abuse and neglect of senior citizens through raising awareness of the cultural, social, economic and demographic processes affecting elder abuse and neglect.

The Orange County District Attorney’s Office’s Family Protection Unit (FPU) investigates and prosecutes felony financial and physical elder and dependent adult abuse cases.

Through the Elder Abuse Forensic Center, a victim may obtain a variety of assistance from a deputy district attorney, law enforcement officers, social services workers, victim advocates, staff at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, Public Administrator and Public Guardian.

The team reviews cases, performs in-home medical and mental status checks, conducts evidentiary investigations, and participates in gerontology education and research.

By Editor

The New Santa Ana blog has been covering news, events and politics in Santa Ana since 2009.

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