SAPD Advisory: Suspect breaks into victim’s home, removes clothes, falls asleep. Flees scene leaving clothes, id behind
On 7/22/14, a residential burglary occurred at 2100 block of West Civic Center. Suspect Jonathan Phan forcibly entered the residence, removed his clothing and went to sleep in the victim’s bed. The victim awoke and when she saw Phan she screamed. The screams woke Phan and he jumped out through the window leaving behind his wallet, pants, and cellphone. Patrol officers identified Phan by his CA Driver’s License that was in his wallet.
On 8/15/14, at 1000 hours, detectives interviewed Suspect Jonathan Phan (DOB 5/20/85) in the presence of his attorney. After the interview, Jonathan Phan was arrested for violation of CPC 459(a) Residential Burglary.
This nitwit made national news – the story was on Fox News (maybe more).
There goes his 15 minutes of fame…