The SAPD released their latest gun seizure update and it appears our local gangbangers are getting dumber with every passing day. Quite a few of them will be celebrating Christmas behind bars enjoying bologna sandwiches while our families feast on hams, roasts, tamales and more.
SAPD gang detectives were conducting suppression when a known gangbanger attempted to flee. That turned out to be a bad idea as the officers were able to catch up to him after a short pursuit. He was detained and the officers seized his loaded firearm.
The gangbanger was subsequently arrested and booked at the Santa Ana Jail on firearm and gang-related charges.
SAPD patrol officers were conducting proactive enforcement in the area of 400 S. Jackson Street due to an increase in gang-related graffiti.

The officers conducted a traffic stop on a suspicious vehicle and, sure enough, a pursuit ensued.
The pursuit eventually came to an end and three documented gangbangers attempted to flee on foot from the vehicle. Guess how that turned out?
All three suspects ended up in handcuffs of course. During the police investigation a loaded firearm was recovered.
All three gangbangers were arrested and booked at the Santa Ana Jail on various felony charges. Get those bologna sandwiches ready for these vatos!

In another tale of dumb Santa Ana criminals, SAPD patrol officers conducted proactive enforcement at the area of 300 N. Jackson Street (apparently Jackson St is a hot bed for bad guys!) when they arrested two suspects for drinking in public.
During a search conducted after the arrest the officers found a loaded revolver in the waistband of one of the drunken suspects.
Both of the crudo suspects were arrested and booked at the Santa Ana Jail on various firearm offenses.

SAPD gang detectives conducted a patrol check at the area of 500 E. 14th Street due to an increase in gang-related graffiti. (Memo to our idiotic gangbangers – if you tag all over the place you are inviting the cops to come and arrest you!).
While the detectives were in the area observed a known gangbanger vandalizing a wall (that is cop talk for they caught the dummy tagging a wall). Upon contact two suspects fled, of course.
As usual both of the running gangbangers were caught and handcuffed. To make matters even worse for them the detectives conducted a search and found a firearm during their investigation.
One of the suspects was a baby gangbanger so he ended up at Juvenile Hall on firearm-related charges with gang enhancements. He is well on his way to becoming a full-time criminal.
No mention of what happened to the other guy. Most likely he too is enjoying bologna sandwiches at the Santa Ana Jail.

In 2020, the ACLU filed a case on behalf of people detained in Orange County’s jails in response to unsafe conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the litigation primarily focused on issues such as testing and vaccine accessibility, many of the ACLU’s clients expressed that their top priority was the resumption of hot meals at the jail.
At the beginning of the pandemic, the jail stopped serving hot meals for “reasons of health and safety” according to the sheriff’s department. For more than two years, the jail served sack lunches, usually rotting bologna sandwiches, for each meal of the day.
Sixty-two percent of formerly incarcerated respondents to a 2020 survey reported that they rarely or never had access to fresh vegetables while incarcerated.
The moral of this story? If you want to be commit crimes in Santa Ana go ahead but your future will be full of unhealthy food while you rot in prison. That is not on society, it is on you!
How about you stop taking drugs and drinking too much and instead enroll at Santa Ana Continuing Education so you can finally get your high school degree next year and turn your life around?
u sound like a douche art like a true white washed mexican hating on his own kind most likely cuz u were picked on by gangbangers growing up or something deep that has affected u greatly in ur life. not only do you sound uneducated… Your writing style sucks! u should make some changes ya dumb gangbanger lol!
I just really dislike criminals and idiotic gangbangers of any race. And you know they mostly commit crimes against their own people right?